Use "molluscum|mollusca" in a sentence

1. Animalia, Mollusca, Cephalopoda

2. Classification of the land Mollusca.

3. Cephalopoda merupakan salah satu kelas dalam filum Mollusca

4. Mollusca is the second biggest phylum in animal kingdom.

5. Cockles are classified as bivalves within the phylum Mollusca

6. Chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, granuloma inguinale, genital herpes simplex infection, and molluscum contagiosum.

7. The Cephalopoda is an ancient and very successful group of the Mollusca

8. Also included are two of the most successful animal phyla, the Mollusca and Annelida.

9. The word branchs, (pronounced "Branks") in prosobranchs, means 'gill'.Mollusca

10. Belemnites were marine animals belonging to the phylum Mollusca and the class Cephalopoda

11. Bivalves Bivalves belong to the invertebrate phylum Mollusca, which also includes snails, squids, and octopuses

12. The Cephalopoda is the class of the Mollusca comprising the octopuses, cuttlefish, squid, and their allies

13. The Bumps caused by molluscum contagiosum have dimples or pits in them and are typically either white or flesh-colored

14. 14 The food composition consisted of eight groups: diatom, protozoa, spongiaria, annelida, mollusca, crustacea, echinodermata and pisces.

15. These small, pearly, firm Bumps on your vagina area are a result of a skin infection caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus, and they're …

16. Histopathologic examinations revealed that the etiologic agent was a molluscum virus in the lower portion of a pilosebaceous follicle, which formed a Comedo

17. Clams, or bivalves, belong to the Class Bivalvia in the Phylum Mollusca, while Brachiopods belong to their own phylum, Brachiopoda

18. Brachiopods belong to Phylum Brachiopoda, whereas bivalves belong to Phylum Mollusca, along with snails and cephalopods (e.g., octupuses and squids)

19. Cuvier (1805) defined the term, Brachiopoda as a class of Mollusca, but Dumeril (1806) used Brachiopoda in a taxonomic scheme.

20. Cephalopod, any member of the class Cephalopoda of the phylum Mollusca, a small group of highly advanced and organized, exclusively marine animals

21. This type of parthenogenesis is known as apomictic or Ameiotic parthenogenesis and occurs in Trichoniscus (Isopoda), Daphnia pulex (Crustacea), Campelona rufum (Mollusca), weevils and long-horned grasshoppers.

22. Subjects: catalogue Catalogues Cephalopoda Cephalopoda, Fossil Collections Fossil Mollusca Nautiloidea, Fossil Palaeontology BHL Collections: Natural History Museum (London) Publications A catalogue of recent Cephalopoda : supplement, 1897-96

23. Cephalopods(Greekplural Κεφαλόποδα(kephalópoda); "head-foot") are marine mollusks(phylum Mollusca) of the class Cephalopoda, a group that includes the familiar octopusand squid.

24. Cephalopoda is the most morphologically and behaviorally complex class in phylum Mollusca. Cephalopoda means "head foot" and this group has the most complex brain of any invertebrate

25. There are three major types of Condyloma, each of which is sexually transmitted: Condyloma acuminatum (warts around the vulva), Condyloma latum (a form of secondary syphilis), and Condyloma subcutaneum (also known as molluscum contagiosum)

26. He was also an authority on Conchology. A history of the British forms is given in Gwyn Jeffreys's British Conchology (1862), and by Forbes and Hanley in British Mollusca. (25) Tryon, …

27. Cephalopod, any member of the class Cephalopoda of the phylum Mollusca, a small group of highly advanced and organized, exclusively marine animals. The octopus, squid, cuttlefish, and chambered nautilus are familiar representatives.

28. Cephalopoda is a small but extremely successful class of the phylum Mollusca. They are exclusively marine animals, the only partial exception being the Atlantic Brief Squid (Lolliguncula brevis) which will enter brackish water

29. Blastopore Fates Include: Protostomy (mouth Develops From The Blastopore) Deuterostomy (anus Develops From The Blastopore) Neither (the Blastopore Closes And The Mouth Develops Elsewhere) Blastopore Fate Phyla Protostomy (P) Platyhelminthes, Rotifera, Nematoda; Most Mollusca, Most Annelida;

30. Bivalve, (class Bivalvia), any of more than 15,000 species of clams, oysters, mussels, scallops, and other members of the phylum Mollusca characterized by a shell that is divided from front to back into left and right valves. The valves are connected to one another at a hinge.

31. In this nomenclatural-historical account of the genera of the Conocardioidea (Mollusca: Rostroconchia) several inconsistencies and errors in the taxonomy and nomenclature of the Conocardioidea are clarified.Cardium aliforme J. de C.Sowerby, 1827, is recognised as type species of the genusConocardiumBronn, 1835, according to the ICZN 4th edition.

32. Anthoid Mollusca are divided into three orders: first, Brachiopods, (from the Greek brachion, arm, and pous, foot,) with a bivalve shell, symmetrical in form; second, Ascidions, which have no hard shells and hence are hardly recognized as fossils; third, Bryozoans (from the Greek bruon, moss, and zoon, animal,) of minute size, sometimes branched like moss.